Sharing about MICROBEADS


Akhir-akhir ini pembahasan yang lagi happening banget itu membicarakan tentang microbeads ya. 

Kita sharing yuks tentang Microbeads ini, saling kasih tahu ini itu mengenai Microbeads ini ya karena saya juga bukan orang yang tahu-tahu banget tentang mengenai Microbeads ini. 

Yukss kita bahas bareng-bareng ya.. ^^

  • Sebenarnya apa sih Microbeads itu? 
Seperti yang saya lihat dari website microbeads, microbeads ini bisa juga disebut microplastics. Microbeads ini adalah potongan plastik atau serat berukuran kurang dari 5 mm. Microbeads ditemukan dalam produk perawatan pribadi hampir selalu lebih kecil dari 1 mm.

  • Nama lain Microbeads apa saja sih yang tertera dikemasan skincare kita? 
Microbeads bisa disebut juga Polyethylene (PE) dan dapat juga disebut Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA)dan Nylon.

  • Bahaya ga sih buat kita dan buat alam sekitar kita?
Sangat berbahaya karena Microbeads ini sangat kecil sehingga penyaring saluran perairan tidak dapat menyaring nya dan jika pun dapat tersaring, ketika air meluap maka microbeads ini juga akan ikut meluap dan masuk ke perairan (dapat mencemarkan/polusi pada air/lautan). So, perjalanan microbeads ini seperti ini: setelah kita menggunakan produk ini dia akan terbuang ke limbah lalu ke saluran air dan jatuh nya akan ke laut dan di laut di makan atau terserap oleh ikan karena ikan/plankton/kerang lalu kita memakan ikan tersebut sehingga masuk ke dalam tubuh kita.

  • Bahaya nya seperti apa? 
Sangat berbahaya untuk kelangsungan hidup alam dan manusia sendiri karena biasanya dalam pembuatan produk tersebut microbeads sudah tercampur dengan bahan kimia beracun.

  • Microbeads sebenarnya terdapat di produk kecantikan kita apa saja? 
Berbagai produk yang kita gunakan bisa saja ada microbeads nya, maka periksalah skincare kalian.

  • Ribet banget cek semua nya, yang utama nya terdapat di skincare mana? Apakah ada di sabun, lulur, scrub dan lainnya? 
Microbeads ini paling banyak digunakan di beberapa skincare seperti Scrub, Facial Foam, Pasta Gigi dan Sabun Mandi.

  • Produk Indonesia mengandung ga sih ini Microbeads?
Iya, beberapa produk Indonesia mengandung Microbeads. Maka teliti lah sekarang dalam membeli produk skincare.

  • Kalau produk Indonesia mengandung Microbeads, produk apa saja? 
Di bagian bawah nanti akan saya capture beberapa list produk Indonesia yang mengandung Microbeads agar kalian tidak terlalu susah mencek satu per satu skincare kalian.

  • Lalu produk Korea gimana, ada juga mengandung ini soalnya saya kebanyakan menggunakan produk Korea? 
Saya juga kebanyakan menggunakan produk Korea kok sama kayak kalian. Nah, untuk produk Korea list nya belum rilis nya ya. So, kita tunggu saja. Semoga produk kita yang pakai tidak menggunakan nya ya. 

Untuk lebih jelas nya kalian bisa menbaca penjelasan dari website Microbeads ini sendiri.

>> Info diambil dari


Microplastics: scientific evidence

Today, a significant number of personal care products such as scrubs and toothpastes are known to contain thousands of minuscule balls of plastic called microplastics, or more specifically, microbeads. Over the years, microbeads have replaced traditional, biodegradable alternatives such as ground nut shells, and salt crystals.
The microbeads used in personal care products are mainly made of polyethylene (PE), but can be also be made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and nylon. Where products are washed down the drain after use, microbeads flow through sewer systems around the world before making their way into rivers and canals and ultimately, straight into the seas and oceans, where they contribute to the plastic soup. Typically, microplastics are defined as: plastic pieces or fibres measuring less than 5 mm. The microbeads found in personal care products are almost always smaller than 1 mm.
In 2004, the findings of a research programme led by Professor Richard Thompson (University of Plymouth) were published in Science and detailed the distribution of microplastic pollution. The article was the first to conclude the spread of microplastics and plastic fibres throughout the entire marine environment. And since larger pieces of plastic break down into smaller pieces and do not biodegrade, the amount of microplastics is accumulating.I Plastic degrades into ever smaller pieces upon exposure to UV radiation and as a result of abrasive wave action.II The concentration of marine microplastics is accumulating rapidly.III
In addition to these indirect, secondary sources of microplastics, there are several direct sources of microplastics – including the flushing of microbeads used in personal care products. Hundreds, if not thousands, of different personal care products use microbeads as abrasive scrubbers and for cleansing purposes. In 2009, Fendall and Sewell (University of Auckland) published their observations that microbeads pass into household waste water streams directly and are too small to be retained by the standard filters used at sewage treatment plants and therefore enter the marine environment. Not only do they enter the sea, they can also enter the food chain.IV
Although the full extent and consequences is hard to quantify, the accumulation of plastic, including microplastics, in the marine environment is today recognised as a serious, global environmental issue.V As scientists and policymakers alike start to question the full extent of the problem in terms of impacts to marine biodiversity and associated implications for human health, the number of research programs studying microplastics is increasing consequentially.
Some scientific findings:
Marine species are unable to distinguish between food and microplastics and therefore indiscriminately feed on microplastics. In an overview published for the Convention on Biological Diversity, it was shown that over 663 different species were negatively impacted by marine debris with approximately 11% of reported cases specifically related to the ingestion of microplastics.VI Some species of fish excrete plastic easily, but others do not and so accumulate plastic internally. To cite one study: around 35% of 670 fish examined (total of 6 species) had microplastics in their stomachs. The highest number of fragments found in one fish was 83.VII
The surface of microplastics has been proven to attract and absorb persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCBs and DDT from the marine environment. Relatively high concentrations of POPs have been found on the surface of microplastics.VIIIThe International Pellet Watch, led by Professor Takada at the University of Tokyo, is conducting research to this effect. Takada’s research indicates that certain POPs found in bird tissue were ingested together with their plastic hosts.IX In theory, ingested POPs could remain on the surface of ingested microplastics and could be egested.X However, fish and seafood regularly consumed by humans have been recorded with plastic fragments inside their guts and body tissues. Scientists hypothesise that over time, POPs will start accumulating in the food chain, transferring from species to species, with consequences ultimately for humans.XI
Toxic chemicals added to plastic during the manufacturing process (such as plasticisers and flame retardants) leach out of plastic in the marine environment and pose serious threats to marine fauna.XII The most common plasticisers have been recorded in fish, marine mammals and molluscs.XIIIThe smallest particles of plastic are ingested and retained by filter feeders such as mussels. Belgian toxicologist Colin Janssen (University of Ghent) found that on average, each gram of mussel flesh contains one particle of plastic.XIV Species of plankton are also found to ingest and retain plastic particles.XV
Once microbeads reach the marine environment, it is impossible to pinpoint the source of origin. German researchers Liebezeit and Dubaish (University of Oldenburg) hypothesise that cosmetics, and especially peelings, make up most of the microplastics they found in the Wadden Sea.XVI
In terms of relative contributions to microplastic pollution, a range of studies have looked at the number or concentration of microbeads in individual products. The American non-governmental organisation (NGO) 5Gyres, found a large number of microplastics in the Great Lakes and estimates that one single care product (Neutrogena's Deep Clean) contains 360,000 microbeads.XVII Dr. Leslie (VU University, Amsterdam) found that microplastics made up 10.6% of one scrub (Exofonic scrub of L'Oreal).XVIII
Water treatment plants are not designed to filter out microbeads. A number of studies have found that water treatment plants do not filter all microbeads from the waste water.XIX Moreover, not all waste water gets purified. Following heavy rain, waste water with microbeads can overflow directly into surface waters. Some countries lack the infrastructure to treat waste water completely.
As scientific understanding of the effects of microplastics on the environment continues to grow, the fate of microplastics has become an extremely important question. Increasingly, sources and impacts of microplastic pollution are being questioned and considered closely by scientists and policymakers alike. For instance, within the framework of the CleanSea European research project, seventeen European research institutes are conducting interdisciplinary investigations into the effects of microplastics.
Research into the quantity and consequences of microplastics in the environment is important. In light of growing evidence confirming the seriousness of this issue, there is a pressing need to address direct sources of microplastic pollution – something that is both avoidable and highly unnecessary.
Producers have been asked to act responsibly and stop adding microplastics to cosmetics.
2013, fourth quarter
Dr. M. Eriksen et al. publishes a scientific paper 'Microplastic pollution in the surface waters of the laurentian Great Lakes', in: Marine Pollution Bulletin 77 (December 2013).
2014, third quarter
Dr. Heather Leslie of the Institute of Environmental Studies (Free University, Amsterdam) publishes aReview of Microplastics in Cosmetics. Scientific background on a potential source of plastic particulate marine litter to support decision-making. 

Disini saya hanya akan merangkum produk dari 4 negara yaitu Indonesia, US, UK dan France karena 4 negara ini yang paling sering digunakan di negara kita ini. Walaupun sebenarnya produk Korea juga sering kita gunakan tetapi untuk list produk dari Korea belum keluar masih coming soon, nanti kalau sudah keluar akan saya update

Product lists

In the below overview country or region product lists can be downloaded.

  • Red: This product contains microbeads;
  • Orange: This product still contains microbeads, but the manufacturer has indicated it will replace in a given timeframe or adapt the product accordingly;
  • Green: This product is free from plastic microbeads.
  • Zero: This product is 100% microplastic-free





>> Info diambil dari

Look for the Zero

We have been running the 'Beat the Microbead' campaign since 2012. The objective of the campaign is to prevent plastic microbeads in personal care products ending up in the sea. We have asked consumers to stop using products containing microbeads. The Beat the Microbead app makes it easy to check whether a product contains plastic.
However, recent research (UNEP report 'Plastic in Cosmetics', 2015) shows that many more types of plastics are added to personal care products than previously thought. It also shows that some plastic microbeads are replaced with bio-based/bio-degradable microbeads which do not break down in water. On top of this, the use of nanoplastics in cosmetics is a worrying development. It makes it very difficult for consumers to choose 'plastic free' products.
This is why we change the burden of proof. Instead of consumers having to check and choose, we are asking producers to declare their care products free of microplastics. Plastic free products will be included in the new Zero category of the Beat the Microbead website and app. The brands that do not use microplastics can carry the 'Zero plastic inside' logo. In one glance, this logo makes it clear for consumers that a product is guaranteed 100% free of microplastics.
The Dutch supermarket chain Ekoplaza is the first in the world to carry the 'Zero plastic inside' logo on all the cosmetics and toiletries of their house-brand, Botanique. Also are all personal care products they sell 100% microplastic free.

Untuk produk yang mendapat label "ZERO" dari ke 4 negara yang kita bahas di atas yang bersumber dari website microbeads belum keluar a.k.a coming soon dan hanya 1 negara yang sudah di update mendapatkan label zero ini yaitu produk-produk dari negara The Netherlands/Belanda.

"Washing your face,
brushing your teeth,
scrubbing your body
can be an act of

Jika saya ada salah dalam menyampaikan dan masih kurang jelas, kalian bisa menambahkan nya. Maklum saya bukan orang pintar yang tahu segala nya tapi saya hanya orang yang penasaran dengan segala hal yang baru di dunia kecantikan, skincare dan makeup ini.

Semoga membantu kalian ya dan teliti lah dalam membeli produk yang akan kita pakai.


Post a Comment


  1. Info yang sangat bermanfaat. Ditunggu update annya kak:))

  2. Itu yang green sm zero blm ada ya brarti?

    1. Bisa langsung cek website mereka kalau mau. Hehe

  3. Kayaknya semua produk kecantikan di indo yg mengandung scrub semuanya pakai microbeads deh, hhuhu T.T

  4. ka boleh tau gak, sekarang tuh ada pengganti microbread yg bahannya kan dari plastik tuh. udah ada blm sih microbread yang dia ramah lingkungan atau saat ini jalan terbaik dengan bahan yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai fungsi si microbread. boleh share ilmunya ka. makasih, ku tunggu jawaban kaka.


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